• Project: Light fields / entrance area hospital


    Below some pictures of the installation process of 3 light fields (8′ x 8′) in the entrance area of a hospital.

    Light source: T5 long life fluorescent tubes; alternatively LED strips could be used.

    Pic 1: open light fields surrounded by acoustic drywall with square hole pattern.1512 light fields hospital 1

    Pic 2: high reflective panels with pre-wired ballast for flourescent tubes (T5 long-life).1512 light fields hospital 2

    Pic 3: fluorescent tubes installed1512 light fields hospital 3

    Pic 4: fluorescent tubes ON1512 light fields hospital 4

    Pic 5: installation of translucent ceiling membrane…perfect light diffusion!1512 light fields hospital 5

    Pic 6: finished light fields.1512 light fields hospital 6

    NOTE: The shape and size of light fields with Stretch Ceilings are always custom…..no limits for creativity! Alternatively to pure white, we could work with coloured lighting to set the room in the mood of the colour, which is a nice feature for bathrooms, pool & spa areas, therapy rooms, etc. 

    December 2015
